
LLM Preference

Stubs completes tasks in steps and you can customize which LLMs are used for each step. There are five options that you can adjust based on your preferences.

How does it work?

  1. Click 'Edit' in the top left corner menu and select 'Settings.'
  2. A new window will appear; click on 'LLM Preferences'
  3. Modify which LLM is being used for each step. If you don't want to modify them just leave them as Recommended. A description of the steps Stubs uses to complete tasks is below so you know which model is appropriate for each step:
    • Initial Prune for Relevant Files (very fast model recommended)

      Stubs generates embeddings and also documents code (if option was selected when adding project) and uses an LLM to ask which files are relevant to the task. The list of files usually gets reduced to 10 or less in this step.

    • Get Context from Stubs (fast model that follows directions recommended)

      Stubs is called Stubs because of this step. "Stub versions" of files are sent to the LLM (usually representing top level functions) and it's asked which lines are relevant. Using these lines the portions of files are retrieved for the coding task

    • Programming task (most intelligent model recommended)

      Once relevant code files are retrieved it's time to ask an LLM to do the task. This step it's best to use a frontier model from Anthropic/ChatGPT.

    • Apply Code Changes (intelligent and accurate model that follows directions recommended)

      This step is actually multiple requests of portions of code that needs updating. The LLM needs to read the previous instructions look at existing code and decide what changes are needed. For this step it needs both intelligence/accuracy.

    • Others (fast model recommended)

      Any other requests that don't have to do with task completion. Pruning, creating documentation, writting commits are in this category. In most cases any fast model will do.

    The dropdown is populated based on which services you added an API key. If you want the most options you should add API keys from multiple providers: